Class 9 Summer Holiday Home Work

Hindi (for 9B)

नीचे लिखी दोनो किताबों को खरीदिए। प्रत्येक पुस्तक के ५० पृष्ठ पढ़िए। अगर पसन्द आए तो पूरी किताब पढ़िए । हो सकता है कि कुछ लोगों को ये किताबें कठिन लगे। लेकिन घबराइए मत।

दोनों किताबों को आप ऑन लाइन खरीद सकते हैं। विद्यालय में आकर आपको पुस्तकों के बारे में लिखना है। आपको लिखने में मदद दी जाएगी।

१.'खजाने का रहस्य' द्वारा कन्हैयालाल

२.'नया रास्ता' द्वारा सुषमा अग्रवाल

३. हालदार साहब या श्रीकंठ सिंह या माँ का चरित्र चित्रण कीजिए। ( ४०० या उससे अधिक शब्द )

४. पाठ्य पुस्तकों के सभी पाठों को पढ़िए। नए शब्दों के अर्थों को याद रखिए।

५. 'मीडिया अच्छा भी है और बुरा भी ।' अपने विचार प्रकट कीजिए। किन बातों में मीडिया अच्छा है और किन बातों में यह समाज के लिए घातक हो सकता है। उदाहरण देकर समझाइए। ( ४०० या उससे अधिक शब्द )

६. आपने छुट्टियों में क्या क्या किया, कहाँ कहाँ गए तथा कौन कौन आपको मिले या मिलने के लिए आपके घर में आए या आप किसी से मिलने गए सभी बातों का वर्णन करते हुए अपने किसी मित्र को पत्र लिखिए। ( १५० या उससे अधिक शब्द )

आपकी छुट्टियाँ मज़ेदार हों।

Nirmala Akka

Hindi (Joshi Sir)

Download instructions here.


Watch these video’s and complete your homework based on instructions shared in class.

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3

Rangacharyulu Sir


Download the themes for your project.

Check your group and allotted project here.

Write to me at for any queries or help with reading material.


Download instructions here.


Please see the list of resources below. Note that we will NOT have time in school for the video resources next term (because of syllabus completion constraints) and you are urged to watch all the relevant videos (especially PSSC and Walter Lewin) at home. For a guidance on priority of topics please refer to the Class X ICSE syllabus book.  

The following are excellent book resources to create interest and depth in the subject and suitable for self study in the vacation 

  1. Physical Bodies

  2. Molecules

Video Resources:

1. By BBC on Electricity and Magnetism titled "Awe and Shock" by Jim Khalili.           

2. Lectures and demonstrations by Walter Lewin
Students are advised to look at the demonstrations on syllabus related to Class 10.

You can find a complete list of PSSC videos in this link.
Look for videos that you want to watch on youtube or search the net.             

TEXT Book Resources:
For a systematic text book presentation you can start perusing the book by Resnick and Halliday.

1. Principles of Physics or  

2. University Physics

Some interesting Maths Circle activities in continuation of the activities in school are available here.

Here is the exam paper and solutions (part 1, part 2) for reference.

Sai Jagan

Computer Applications

1. Complete these seven programs in BlueJ. Download

2. Create a Gene class in BlueJ and define the class with tasks mentioned in this handout. Download.
You can use this DNA sequence sample file for testing your code.

Before taking up these tasks, some of you may want to redo or complete some challenges.

Happy Holidays,


Download textbook scan pages here if you did not carry your book. 

Download Internal Assessment Examples.

Anushka Akka


Project details and instructions are available here. Download

On Pre-Regional Mathematics Olympiad (PRMO)

The Pre-Regional Mathematics Olympiad (PRMO) is a nation wide 3 hour examination that will be held on the August 11, 2019 from 10 am to 1 pm.

Strangely, the examination is the same for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12. So, all the senior school students are eligible and of course the 9th and 10th will find it tougher than the 11th and 12th students. However, you can appear for the examination every year. 

This is an Optional examination for all of you but we would like it very much if many of our students choose to appear for the examination. 

The examination is very challenging but also a very enjoyable experience. Like many challenging activities eg, cycling, swimming, rock climbing, rappelling, singing, dancing, acting,  we get good  as we practice regularly and we will definitely find it daunting the first couple of times. Hopefully, we will be able to help you to get over this "short daunting" phase if it persists till you reach school !! :). We will all get really good if we attempt the examination multiple times. 

So, we would like 
a) to encourage you to take the examination, give you reasons why you will benefit from this activity,
b) give you information about the examination, 
c) offer some tips (again optional !!! :))  for a systematic preparation  and 
d) also  plan some preparatory worksheets  for you when you reach the school so that you get more familiar with the expectations of the examination.

All of the above is explained in this write-up with links to many wonderful resources on the web.

The idea is that you will enjoy working at home in the time left and also plan for the examination when you reach school.
So, lets all get into Sherlock Holmes mode and get into some serious problem solving !!! 
We will take care of the PRMO registration after you reach school on June 14th.

Lastly, do not forget that we want it to be a fun and learning experience and we will definitely plan a picnic on examination day (remember last term :) :)).

Sai Jagan Sir


For any issues accessing the links or worksheets, mention your contact details and post them in this form.