Class 9 Winter Holiday Home Work

Hindi for 9B

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Hindi for 9A

Apart from finishing the interns assignment :

Follow the news about environment and international political for 12 days in Hindi only. Write a paragraph of 150 words in a notebook every day. BBC Hindi or Any newspaper in Hindi can be read.

Nirmala Akka


Download these files. Instructions are inline the documents.

File 1 | File 2



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Computer Applications

1. Make Art. Get a Kindle version of Make your own Algorithmic Art book by Tariq Rashid and complete few activities suggested in the book. If you are unable to procure the book, you can instead try these Scratch based activities (full list here if you want more). Send your Lab Record (code and screen-shots) to your Teachers.

2. Pick your favorite Kickstarter project. Do analysis on the idea assuming you will fund the project. Use tools like Google Trends and BouncyMaps. Use RawGraphs if you collected data and want to visualize them. Write an analysis report with details like the core idea, Kickstarter link, tables, charts, your conclusions etc. Also, design and build a Poster about the idea that is useful for promoting the idea. Send your analysis report and poster to your Teachers.

3. (Optional) Computational Thinking Challenges: Try these challenges. Start with Junior Challenges and move on to Intermediate and Seniors.

Don't forget to send your files to and cc to

Happy Holidays,
Dhanya and Rajesh


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