Class 11 Summer Holiday Homework

Hindi (Nirmala Akka)

Download these three resources: One | Two | Three


Download suggestions here.

History (Krishna Menon Sir)

Download suggested holiday project list here.

Sociology (Meenakshi Akka)

Download project list with instructions and resources here.

Physics (Atul Sir)

Instructions shared on 2nd April: Download

Keep watching this space for more updates in following days.

Mathematics (Valli Akka)

The work planned for you in mathematics this time has two parts:

Part I

a) Revising specific concepts mentioned in your subject report, the master list of concepts is available here. Your primary reference could be your class 11 book or you can revise through the worksheet and web resources listed here. A great resource for a good conceptual understanding is Maths- A Student’s Survival Guide by Jenny Olive. This friendly self-help workbook covers mathematics essential to first-year undergraduate scientists and engineers, but presented in a simple and practical manner. I recommend you all to have a look. Download.

b) You must spend a day or two to update your formula hand book (FHB) which started in the first term. If you do not have it with you now, please make a new one. This is essential, as a ready reference as you progress through your class 12 syllabus and learn new concepts (you should keep updating it). Do leave one or two empty pages after topics like: algebra, trigonometry, geometry, statistics and calculus, The topics for FHB are here.

Part II

The work planned for the two weeks in March. This is the transition into our class 12 course. The details of the course plan are here. We are working out on suitable platform to transact the course, while we are doing it you could continue working on the topics as per schedule detailed above. The most important aspect of this exercise is to stick to the deadline and to keep in touch with each other. Ensure you check your email /whatsapp on a daily basis. In the existing uncertain situation prevailed around us, it is better to equip ourselves with as much of advance work as possible. Do take this as an opportunity and enjoy the experience.

Some standard resources for math are listed here.

Computer Science (RaNJIT Sir)

Read this handout on Recursion and complete all Recursion-1 challenges.

Use this handout and implement Insertion Sort, Merge Sort and Quick Sort.

To be in touch with trends in Computing, start browsing Wired and MIT Technology Review sites at least once a week.
Share with your Teacher (by email to with a cc to at least 10 articles you found interesting and why (One every week).