Class 8 Summer Holiday Homework
Hindi 8B (Joshi Sir)
Download instructions here.
Geography (Deshpande Sir)
Download instructions here.
Mathematics (Anushka Akka)
Check answers where indicated by ticking/crossing clearly with a different colour pen and looking for mistakes, doing corrections for the wrong ones. There are 5 topics. Each should take you between 1-2 hours. If any takes more than 2 hours, you can stop. This is practice so you are prepared for class 9, so be sincere!
Work for 2 weeks of early closure
1. Statistics - Correlation: This was a topic we were going to do in school. Due to the early closure, please do this as self-study. First go to and use this class code 3RHMG8. Complete the activity along with the experiment included in it. This should give you a good introduction. Then, read through the chapter and answer the questions in this document (8.3 only, not 8.4) and check your answers using this file. If you cannot go onto Desmos for whatever reason, you should still be able to complete this document by reading carefully through the notes in the document.
2. Simultaneous Equations: This was a topic we did just before you left, but did not have enough time to consolidate. This document has some explanation for any of you who need it and 4 questions with subparts. Please do all the questions and check your answers with this guide.
Official Holiday Homework
3. Linear Graphs : Here you have a choice.
EITHER complete all questions in this document and check the answers given at the end of that document
OR make a picture using a minimum of 20 straight lines on desmos. You can take part in the contest or not, but please take a screen shot of your picture and print it, along with the equations used. Look on for the contest and also for some resources to learn how to do interesting things (like shading etc).
4. Circle Mensuration: Here you have a choice.
EITHER the standard exercises
OR the more challenging exercises.
If you worked on the standard exercises, check your answers using this document.
5. Quadrilateral Mensuration : Please complete all questions 62-84 from this document. There are no answers to check, so write out your solutions clearly for me to check next term.
EXTRA: Anyone who needs extra practice of algebra, please complete this document and check answers using this guide.
Reading List (Some suggestions if you are interested)
History of Mathematics
50 Mathematical Ideas You Really Need to Know by Tony Crilly
Alex’s Adventures in Numberland by Alex Bellos
The Language of Mathematics by Keith Devlin
The Music of the Primes by Marcus Du Sautoy
Fermat's Last Theorem by Simon Singh
The Code Book by Simon Singh
Can you Solve my Problems? by Alex Bellos
Entertaining Mathematical Puzzles by Martin Gardner
My Best Mathematical and Logic Puzzles by Martin Gardner
Professor Stewart’s Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities by Ian Stewart
Flatterland by Ian Stewart
Games and Mathematics by David Wells
Thinking Mathematically
Thinking Mathematically by Mason, Burton & Stacey
Mathematics for the Curious by Peter Higgins
Excursions in Mathematics by C. Stanley Ogilvy
How to Solve It by George Polya
First Steps in Number Theory by Shailesh Shirali
Adventures in Problem Solving by Shailesh Shirali