Krishnamurti Foundation India is registered under the Societies Registration Act XX1 of 1860. Rishi Valley Education Centre is registered under the Foreign Regulation Act under Section 10(23)C, and eligible for receiving grants from abroad.

  • All donations to Rishi Valley Education Centre are eligible for 50% exemption under section 80G of Income tax Act.
  • All donations to Rishi Valley Rural Education Centre (KFI) are now 100% exempted from Income Tax under 35 AC.


Rishi Valley School is financially autonomous. Funds generated from its approximately 310 fee-paying students cover all running expenses.

In a typical year there are about 6 scholarship students, including children from families engaged in social work in remote parts of the country. Fee reductions are made available so that fees are adjusted to family incomes provided students qualify on the entrance tests.

The School contributes about Rs. 100,000 to the Rural Education Centre and its activities.


Rural Education

The Rural Education Programme incurs an annual expenditure of around Rs 2,500,000. The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, has since 1987 provided support from its Scheme of Assistance under Experimental and Innovative Programmes.

Sir Ratan Tata Trust contributed funds for community programmes, and for documentation, including a film on RIVER's methodology and a 5-volume Teachers' Resource Pack.

Rockefeller Foundation gave a one-time grant for publication in 1996.

Catholic Relief Services of India supported aspects of the community programme.

Rishi Valley School continues to make an annual contribution of Rs. 125,000 to the programme. Any shortfalls in income are met through training programmes conducted by the centre.


The RHC provides subsidised medical care to Below Poverty Line Rural Families. All programmes are patient participatory with patients paying for: 

  1. Consultation – a nominal amount

  2. Laboratory Test and other Investigations. Rates are fixed depending on cots of kits, person hours, consumables. This means that test costs are quite low.

  3. Medications – Only generics are stocked so here again patient expenditure is low. The driving ethos is that patients should not spend more than 2 days wages (INR 600 at present) for their treatment at RHC. 
    The driving ethos is that patients should not spend more than 2 days wages (INR 600 at present) for their treatment at RHC.

The RHC offers these for the following categories of patients

  1. FREE
    i)   Children of the Rural Education Centre
    ii)  Children of Government Schools within the Valley
    iii) Support Staff of Rishi Valley Education Centre
    iv) Dependent children and dependent parents of Support Staff of Rishi Valley
  2. PARTIALLY FREE (depends upon income, affordability and nature of illness)
    i)   Children < 15 years from other areas
    ii)  Elderly patients who have minimal or no family support, being dependent upon the Monthly old age pension
    iii) Women in Need – destitute, abandoned women
    iv)  Type I Diabetics
    v)   Patients with Non Communicable Diseases who, because of their illness are not able to work.
  3. CARE AT SECONDARY/TERTIARY CENTRES: This is provided for major illnesses, those not covered under the Arogyashri Health Insurance Scheme of the AP Government. The quantum of funding provided is again dependent upon patient needs and availability of funds.

(Figures in thousands)







Total Expenditure before depreciation


Other income including Consultations




Contribution from RVS, RIVER &interest on Corpus Fund




Vascular Diseases Project Grant 


Vascular Disease Project Expenditure


Total Income


Total Expenditure


Excess of Expenditure over Income: 1853

During the year donation of Rs.18,60,000/- was received towards corpus fund.

The closing balance of the Corpus Fund is Rs.162.58 lakhs. During the year Rs.11.80 Lakhs from RHC Development Fund being the interest earned on Corpus Fund was utilised.

(NB: Detailed Balance Sheet Available on request}

Corpus Appeal: (India: tax exempt u/s 80 G.)

The health centre, over the years, established a deep trust with the rural poor, who have minimal or no access to health care. This has been made possible only due to generous contributions from alumni, well-wishers and friends. We look forward to your support in helping us raise a corpus of ₹4,00,00,000 (Four crores), the interest from which will enable us to meet out-patient management objectives.

  1. General corpus: (Target  ₹ 4,00,00,000 (Four crores))
  2.  For Vulnerable Populations:
  • Health Care for Children <15 years: 3000 patients @340 = 1,200,000 pa (Target of 1.3 crores)
  • Health Care for Elderly > 65 year: 3000 patients @ 340 = 1,200,000 pa (Target of 1.3 crores)
  • Destitute/Abandoned Women: 1000 patients @ 340 = 340,000 pa (Target of 50 lakhs)

Donation Tree

  • ₹ 3500: Health Care for 10 BPL Patients (Vulnerable population)
  • ₹ 8000: One Cataract surgery
  • ₹ 8000: Comprehensive Care for one patient with Diabetes/Hypertension for one year
  • ₹ 16000: Comprehensive Care for one Type I Diabetic Patient for one year
  • ₹ 15000: Ante Natal Care + Normal hospital delivery
  • ₹ 30000: Ante Natal Care + Caesarean Section

NB:   i. Expenditure incurred in the treatment of one patient: ₹ 340.               
         ii. Income from one patient: ₹ 240

Herbal Medicine Programme

The Herbal Garden was established with help from the Rishi Valley Estate.

Subsequently, Sir Dorabji Tata Trust gave a grant of Rs 1,000,000 spread over three years for preventive health care work and for wider dissemination of information about curative properties of Ayurvedic medicinal plants.

We are presently receiving a grant from the Environmental Ministry of the Government of India.

Land Reclamation Project

The watershed management and soil conservation programmes were supported by one-time grants from the State Government of Andhra Pradesh and from the Wasteland Development Board of India.

Saving Indigenous Draft Animals

A seed grant from the Navadanya Foundation helped us enabled the purchase and transport of the animals to Rishi Valley. The annual expenditure of around Rs. 1000,000 is borne by Rishi Valley Education Centre.

How You Can Help

Donations for Educational Programmes:

  • The cost of supporting a student at Rishi Valley School is Rs.4,00,000/- per annum
  • The cost of sponsoring a student at the Rural Education Centre or any one of its Satellite Schools is Rs.15,000/- per annum
  • Cost of sponsoring an entire Satellite School is Rs.4,50,000/- per annum.

Donations may be sent in the name of: Rishi Valley School (KFI).

All donations to Rural Programmes are to be drawn (cheques/demand drafts) in favour of RISHI VALLEY RURAL EDUCATION CENTRE (KFI), payble at Madanapalle. The donors are requested to send along with their payment their name, address and a photo copy of their PAN card for availing 35AC(100%).

Donations to any of the outreach programmes are welcome.

We solicit donations for any of the above.

FCRA Donation - Details