(Intermediate Level)
The Institute offers a six-month course in Bird Study to promote better understanding of birds and their world in the general public, particularly among its youthful members. This course hopes to promote the cause of birds through creating an interest in birdwatching as a hobby among the general public. This is a self-study course, without any form of direct instructions, which students will have to study and complete on their own.
The Home Studies Course is based on conservation values, with birds and the habitats that sustain them is constant focus. Topics such as Principles of Conservation, Habitat Study, Preservation of Bio-diversity, and Saving Endangered Species of Birds are important elements of this comprehensive programme in Bird Studies. The ecological role of birds in nature's scheme is a central point of departure. The aim ultimately is to draw students into active conservation work.
Launched in April 1997 the Course has, as of 30th June 2022, 1764 students from all parts of the country including Mizoram and Nagaland. These include a few high-ranking Defence Services Officers (a Lt. General and an Air Marshal among them), Officers of Civil Services like IT Commissioners, Forest Dept. Cadres, professionals like doctors, engineers, veterinarians etc., and persons pursuing PG courses in Environmental Sciences, several housewives with academic distinctions, students interested in bird studies etc.
Course Objectives
To promote bird consciousness among youth and adults through a comprehensive course of bird studies.
To enable students to grasp the ecological role of birds in sustaining the balance of nature, and to acquire a well-informed interest in the preservation of birds and conservation of their habitats.
To familiarize students with the beauties and felicities of the world of birds and to nurture their aesthetic sensibilities.
To help students realize the value of birds as the most vital and conspicuous component of our biological heritage, and play an active role in preserving biodiversity.
To equip them with the required knowledge about present-day environmental concerns and enable them to discharge their Constitutional obligation for protecting and improving the natural environment for the benefit of future generations.
Course Content :
The Institute offers a six-months course in Bird Studies to promote better knowledge about the world of birds among the general public, the youth in particular. This is a self-study course - students will put in personal effort at their own convenience.
The Home Study Course in Ornithology is a value-based approach to environmental education, with birds and their habitats constantly in focus. The course is comprehensive; hence topics like Conservation Principles, Habitat Study, Preservation of Biodiversity, and Saving Endangered Birds have been given due importance in the lessons. The emphasis is on the ecological role of birds in the scheme of nature. It is hoped that students will feel drawn closer to nature and the world of birds, and will involve themselves actively in programmes for the preservation of environmental purity, sustainability and protection of birds and other life forms.
The course content comprises twenty-five lessons arranged in three Sections and covers important areas of Bird Biology, Bird Behaviour, Ecology and Habitat Types, Conservation Biology, Biodiversity Preservation, Protection of Endangered Birds etc. At the end of most of the lessons, review questions are given in order to facilitate recapitulation and review points are provided to stimulate further study. Simple and clear illustrations form part of the lessons wherever considered necessary to make comprehension easy.
There will be two tests, one towards the middle of the course, and the other at the end. Questions will be framed so as to enable students to express themselves in a clear and accurate manner. They will be of a varied nature to include multiple choice, fill in the blanks, matching items, and short answers within specified word limits. No marks or grades will be given to the test results. The aim is to make the tests interesting, and to heighten the interest of students in the fascinating facets of bird life and bird-related themes. The Institute hopes students will make sincere efforts to gain a thorough understanding of the lessons, acquire a lifelong interest in birds and become environmental activists.
A certificate of proficiency will be awarded on satisfactory completion of the course within 8 weeks from the date of receipt of the Final Test answers.
The course is open to students of age 17 and above at all levels of formal and non-formal education and the general public with no upper age limit. Since the medium of instruction is English, a level of attainment at least equal to that expected of Standard 12 in English medium schools is necessary for those wishing to enroll themselves for the course.
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The course is run on a non-profit basis and has been supported through contributions from well-wishers. The Course Fees is Rs. 3750/- (Rupees Three thousand seven hundred and fifty only) inclusive of GST. The fees can be transferred to our bank account. Bank details are available here.
Courses will commence in the months of January, April, July, and October each year.
Hard copies of the application forms complete in all respects received before 20th of the months of December, March, June and September will be considered for enrollment for the following month’s course.
Dispatch of Lessons
Lessons along with test papers will be dispatched by Registered Book Post in one lot. Students are required to confirm receipt of the lessons without delay, using the self-addressed post card sent with the lessons. This is very important.
All correspondence relating to the course should be addressed quoting Roll No. to :
The Director
Institute of Bird Studies and Natural History
Rishi Valley - 517 352, (Chittoor District), Andhra Pradesh.
Email: birds@rishivalley.org