RV Matters - 8 July 2019

For the last several months I did not hear even hear a single hoot, let alone the loud, quavering vocalisations they make at dusk as they break their roost. For a while, I believed like its larger cousins, the Mottled Wood Owl too had abandoned the valley following the severe drought-like conditions induced by the failure of the North-east monsoon last year, leading to a prolonged dry spell.

On the last day of June, the group of birdwatchers were surprised to see two large raptorial birds take off from a Tamarind tree under which they were standing. Even before they could recover from it, someone pointed out to a third bird perched on a branch, directly above us, immobile and staring at us with its huge dark eyes.

From its plumage colouration, it was evident the bird was a young one, recently fledged but not yet independent and capable of flying long distances. It regarded us with its large, liquid eyes and followed our movements as we took in our fill of the bird, which is never easy to observe for long periods of time.

We could hear several remarks expressing wonder and awe on seeing this owl, which is bigger than a Large-billed (Jungle) Crow but stouter and plump. One of the students remarked that unlike the cute, adorable looks of the Spotted Owlet, this owl had a sinister look and was frightening to behold!

Mottled Wood Owls have been a part of our rural landscape and play a vital role in containing populations of rodents that threaten our food production. We used to see them on the Big Banyan tree (BBT) years ago and promptly at dusk, they would let out their loud calls and hoots. For a while they roosted near the Junior School. I have also seen them in mango orchards, on densely foliaged branches.

Being nocturnal, they are subject to harassment at day by birds like the crows and treepies and so need quiter places to retreat. We need to keep this in mind while planning our usage of the land in our campus and set aside quieter, densely wooded areas for such shy denizens.

Dr Santharam

RV Matters - 28 June 2019


While out birding, two weeks back, we noticed two species of birds (the Brahminy Starling and the Common Myna)– both cavity-nesters – carrying something in their beaks. Close examination revealed they were the leaves of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica). Why were they carrying the leaves? Did they consume them?

 Walking further, we saw the common mynas entering a cavity on the coconut tree trunk near the Vegetable Garden. There were several active nests and some had chicks. I have also seen the Brahminy Starlings occupying nest cavities. The birds were carrying the leaves to the nests.

Leaves of the neem are well-known for their medicinal values traditionally and now with research, scientists have discovered their anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties besides other medicinal values. Birds seem to have independently discovered these values and have been using them in their nests to protect their chicks from harmful bacteria and fungus. Several research papers now confirm this. There is so much out there we can learn by observation.

Dr Santharam


RV Matters - 17 June 2019

Here is the first installment of “RV Matters” for the new academic year. From this year, I would be travelling a bit and am not sure how regularly I can write this column. I do hope others at school will chip in when needed.

We all have been waiting for rains and that seems to be the major topic of discussion in the valley. I had been on campus more or less through the vacation and it has been a rather hot summer with temperatures steadily hovering in the neighborhood of 40 degrees C. There have been a couple showers late in May and early June but otherwise it has been totally dry. The Hundri-Neeva canal too dried up the day after the elections! The weather forecasts, too, have not been promising.


On our first bird-watching trip last Sunday (16th June), there was a sighting of the Pied Cuckoo, now also known as Jacobin Cuckoo. These birds have been here on campus at least since June 1st. They have been regularly calling, especially at nights, from the Duranta Hills. Pied Cuckoos are known to be summer migrants to this part of the country and their arrival coincides with the onset of the southwest monsoon. So there is some hope that the birds will attract some rains to our parched campus. Let us wait patiently. Birds and other creatures can be better at predicting weather than our educated weathermen!

Dr Santharam

Rishi Valley School: Alumni Association Office (AAO)

Dear alumni and friends,

As you may know we recently began the foundational work for the setting up of an Alumni Association Office. Read more about that here.  

We are looking for the right person to take on this role. The person that comes on board will have to understand the school’s philosophy, be attuned to its working modes and be adept at forging connections and building relationships between alumni, school, teachers and students. Here is a more detailed description of the role and requirement: Download 

We seek your help in sharing this in your networks and helping us to identify suitable people for the position of the AAO. Interested candidates can send an email to: aaoffice@rishivalley.org with their CV and a brief note on why they would like to be a part of the AAO.

Thank you.
Chatura Padaki (on behalf of the AAO)

RV Matters - 26 April 2019


This morning as I picked up the newspaper kept on the teapoy in the Visitors' lounge in Rishi Valley, I noticed the newspaper and the floor nearby was having a white stain from bird droppings. Expecting to see the familiar Indian Scops Owl pair, I was surprised to see a large, white, heart-shaped face staring back at me. It was then I realized the droppings were larger than usual. Moving back, I got a better look at the visitor perched on the top rafter under the tiled roof. It was a barn owl!


I had seen this bird just once earlier in the campus and was thrilled to see it. I hurried back home, picked the camera and got a few shots. After a while, the bird became nervous as a few more staff members joined me to take a look. A little later as I moved to get a better view, the bird moved and flew out to a nearby Peltophorum tree. 

An hour later, towards noon, I went to see if the owl was still around and there and there it was. Took a few more snaps quickly and moved away, not wishing to disturb the bird.

The resident Scops owls were away, perhaps busy, raising a brood in a nearby tree-hole. Wonder what they will have to say when they see a new occupant in their regular haunts!

I hope water will continue to flow and bring about some positive changes to the vegetation and animals as well as people’s lives here.

Dr Santharam

Rishi Valley - Alumni Association Office (AAO)

Dear alumni and friends,

Greetings from Rishi Valley!

The school has many alumni who have strong bonds with the school and would like to be involved in as many ways as they can. While there are a few alumni groups and funding initiatives already in certain regions, the school has played mostly a peripheral role till now. 

The batch of ICSE 1991/ISC 1993, in their recent 25th year school reunion, spoke to the school suggesting that a formal Alumni Association Office (AAO) for the school would be a key strategic initiative. They felt it will help to formalise the interactions of the school with its alumni as well as catalyse engagement between alumni and senior students towards career guidance and mentoring. 

On its part, the School has discussed this issue internally, agrees with the principle and has agreed to establish the AAO. Importantly, the school would want this initiative to sustain itself for the years to come. Therefore, clarifying the objectives early and laying the right foundation would be critical for the effective functioning of this initiative.

The 3 objectives of the AAO are the following:

1. MENTORSHIP for Students – Drive and coordinate work/career counselling / mentorship initiatives which will help the school’s secondary students get a better understanding of the opportunities and options in the world (and align with their interests and passions)

2. BRIDGE between the school and alumni – Connect with all alumni on an ongoing basis and be the bridge between the school and alumni for information and coordination, and create an updated and accurate alumni database 

3. SUPPORT school – Drive strategic initiatives and communication that can help to raise endowments/funds on an ongoing basis; respond back to alumni on the impact of the funds regularly.

It will be critical to find the right person to be the Alumni Association Officer. The person will have to understand the school’s philosophy, be attuned to its working modes and be adept at forging connections and building relationships between alumni, school, teachers and students.  The school has begun the process of recruiting this person, and will seek your help in this respect over the next few weeks. 

In the meanwhile, we have decided to begin the foundational work by appointing Chatura Padaki, alumnus of ISC 1988, as the interim Alumni Association Officer. Chatura has been volunteering in many school initiatives already and is familiar with the school’s philosophy. As the interim officer, we feel she is the right person to drive the launch of this initiative. As the AAO, she has been entrusted to set the right systems and processes for the long term. She will engage with alumni as well as with senior school students at appropriate times. She will also work with the school and alumni to build consensus around our present and future plans. 

Please join me in congratulating Chatura for this role and giving her all your support as and when she reaches out to you. You can also connect with her at aaoffice@rishivalley.org for any suggestions or comments.

Finally, we are thankful to the Batch of ICSE ’91 / ISC ‘93 for seeing this initiative. The efforts of the AAO will go a long way in helping the school and forging a deeper bond between the school, its students and the alumni community. 

With warm wishes,
Dr A. Kumaraswamy

RV Matters - 29 March 2019


The summer is already here. Even early in March, temperatures in the valley shot up to 40.5 degrees! Mercifully, the mornings are still cool.

The neem trees have started blooming and the heady scent of the blossoms are fill the air. Some of the other trees too are flowering – the Wrightia tinctoria, Alangium sp. The Peepul and Pongamia trees have fresh leaves.

We have put up a few new birdbaths in the campus and the water tanks in the Biodiversity park have been filled up and also made more accessible to animals and birds.


Since early February, the Hundri-Neeva Canal, that was built a few years ago has been having water flowing through it and with this there has been recharge of some of the bore-wells in the valley. A few birds that are dependent on water have made their appearance along the banks of the canal. There were two cormorants by the shores a couple of weeks ago. A Small Blue or Common Kingfisher was also sighted. The wire-tailed swallow, which is seen close to waterbodies was seen flying over the waters.

I hope water will continue to flow and bring about some positive changes to the vegetation and animals as well as people’s lives here.

Dr Santharam

RV Matters - 17 March 2019


After a long gap, I visited the “Stinky Pond”, located between the Carpentry Shed and the RV Dairy (just behind the BBT) some days ago. This used to be, despite the awful smell, one of the most tranquil spots on campus. Surrounded by greenery and being cool and moist all through the year, this spot had been a favorite of mine. The pond had water, surrounded by trees and shrubs and the stink that came not from the pond water (which is mainly water from the laundry) but from the adjacent pipes that carries bathwater from many of the hostels.


I was not disappointed. As I cautiously approached the pond, one by one, the tortoises that lived disappeared into the water with a loud plonk. Yet, I managed to see one of them – the Peninsular Black turtle for a couple of minutes before it decided to disappear into the waters.

From the dense undergrowth adjacent to the waterbody came the loud raucous calls of the             whitebreasted waterhen. A Pond heron sat meditatively on a low branch, while a pair of white-browed wagtails foraged in the slushy, wet mud at one end of the pond. As I watched, a sudden moment caught my eye and a myna-sized bird, greyish in colour came into view. It was a subspecies of the Indian Blackbird that was not actually black in its plumage! Slowly I moved across to the other side of the pond, hoping to capture an image of this uncommon visitor to our campus, a bird that is seen only in dense wooded, cool parts like the surrounds of the Stinky pond – a micro-habitat that is fast vanishing on our campus. I waited for about five minutes and there it was, posing perfectly for me on a leafless branch. I got a couple of good shots of the bird, a male.


This area has a rich birdlife and I have seen six or seven species of flycatchers, orange-headed thrushes, Indian pitta, warblers, wagtails, the green sandpiper apart from the resident bulbuls and babblers.

It is a pity that the greenery in this patch has gradually been reduced over the years. In the 1990's, this was a dense impenetrable jungle, but steadily, parts of this patch was cleared for vermicomposting, dumping of unused building materials, wastes like electric tubes, bike parking area, etc. etc. Currently there is just 40-50% of the original area under vegetation. A few years ago, students had, as a part of their club activity, studied this area and suggested the filtering of water released from the laundry and to clean up the water in the pond. The stinking grey water from the bathrooms too need to be diverted to make the place stink-free.

This is perhaps the only permanent waterbody on campus and it is an important micro-habitat to several wildlife species. Relocating the dumpyard and reclaiming the greenery in this patch will serve in supporting many of these species and help maintain the biological diversity of the Bird preserve.

Dr Santharam