Kitchen Chronicles - Ragi Malt

This is one of the healthy beverage of Rishi Valley. Our Senior students are given this in the morning by 6.30 am in the hostels and for the Juniors at 4.30 pm after games. Here are the ingredients we use for making Ragi Malt powder (sufficient for 10 days).

Finger Millet (Ragi)
Pearl Millet
Green Gram (Whole Moong)

30 Kgs
10 Kgs
10 Kgs
10 Kgs

Dining Hall uses Organic Jaggery and millets sourced from our Estate.

Soak all these items separately overnight. Next morning wash and tie in separate cloth bags for sprouting. After sprouting, dry in shade separately. When fully dried roast separately, mix and powder.

To make 335 glasses of Ragi Malt, we use 5 kgs of Ragi Malt powder, 10 liters of milk, 6.5 kgs of jaggery, 65 liters of water and 30 grams cardamom. Boil water. Add grated jaggery. After jaggery is fully dissolved in water, strain to see the jaggery liquid is cleaned.

In the same vessel add the jaggery liquid and boil in slow fire. Mix Ragimalt powder in little water and pour over the boiling liquid. Mix continuously to avoid burning at the bottom of the vessel. Boil till malt is fully cooked. Add boiled milk and mix till the liquid is thick enough. Add cardamom powder.

If you want to make one glass of Ragi Malt at home, use 15 grams of Ragi Malt powder, 35 ml milk, 20 grams of jaggery, 160 ml water and a pinch of cardamom. 

Hareendran A K
Dining Hall Manager